We are nine months into a Global Pandemic: enter the Flu season. In many places in our Nation, we have civil unrest. We are working long hours on the front lines. The enthusiasm and pouring out of gratitude we saw in the early months has been smothered by more news worthy headlines. At work and on the news we receive conflicting messages from people in positions of authority over us at every level from the individual practice manager to the hospital chain corporate office, up to the CDC or NIH. Every time we think we have a fact nailed down something changes. Now here come the Holidays; a time that can be stressful for some of us, even in the best of circumstances. How can we still find things to be thankful for?
My first suggestion is to focus on individual moments rather than the entire shift, day, week, month or year. “I’m going into this patient’s room to do everything in my sphere of knowledge and influence to bring them comfort of body and spirit.” We are blessed when we bless others, so remember to give with a generous spirit all the care you can to this patient at that moment. Be thankful for that moment and the good that was done in it.
One thing that really helps me to keep in the right frame of mind during my time outside of work is to take control of my time spent on social media. What was meant as a platform for people to connect and make “Friends” has turned into a place for frustrated and angry people to vent and pollute the space with trash talk and rhetoric. With most of these you will only stir the pot if you reply or comment. Note to self: you can unfollow a person without unfriending them! Remember, if you do choose to reply or post; before you do, ask yourself these questions. 1. Is what I have written true? 2. Is what I have written beneficial to others? 3. Is what I have written done so with respect and kindness? If the answer to any of those questions is NO, then hit delete! Once you put it out there, you can’t take it back! Be thankful for privacy filters and settings; and for your ability to show self-control!
May I suggest you also become a bit more discriminating on your News sources? Find a source for Local and National News that reports facts with integrity and no bias. Make sure your News source respects you enough to allow you to make up your own mind once you have the facts, rather than tell you how you should think. Even with a good News source, put some limits on your viewing time. The brain can only take so much stimulation. It needs rest too! Be thankful for un-biased and balance reporting with the occasional uplifting story, all in sensible doses.
We are not in this alone! We have our co-workers, our family and friends. Above and beyond all of those many of us have God or a higher power, whatever you choose to believe in; lean into it. Pray, meditate or just find your Zen like happy place. Take time each and every day for this self-care practice. Be thankful for something greater than yourself to lean on. For more tips on self-care see one of our previous blogs
We at are thankful for you, our customers. We are here to serve you in person Monday – Friday 8:30am-4:30pm CST, by phone 855-391-9200, email or online chat. Before or after business hours, send an email or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you on the next business day.